Locations optimization

Locations optimization

Grow a Multiple-locations business successfully

Grow A Multiple Location Business Successfully

Create or Claim | Verify | Update

Locations Optimization

When businesses expand to more than one location, they’ll face opportunities and challenges for online promotion. As you look to extend your business operations into different markets (countries, states, cities, or even counties), you also need to extend your digital footprint to ensure you connect with your target audience.

We live in a mobile world. Last year, 72 percent of Google India’s organic search traffic came from mobile devices. Google reports that over 40% of people prefer to complete their entire shopping experience on mobile. If you have a local business or multiple locations, then your online local presence is key to success. You cannot ignore SEO for multiple locations. Successfully managing multiple local listings on Google comes down to organization, resource allocation, and a commitment to providing the best information possible.

Locations Optimization

SEO for Multiple Locations

Businesses that are not eligible for bulk management will need to claim, verify, and update each location individually. This can get messy if different members of your company attempt to claim or verify your locations, or if the owner of a listing leaves. You always want to know who has which level of access to your account and should keep your business information neatly organised to simplify optimization. Following are some things we can do to optimise your multi-location business:

  • Optimize Your Google My Business Listings
  • Accuracy in Your Business Listings
  • Assessing Your Competition & the Market
  • Linking strategy
  • Content strategy
  • Website structure
  • Reviews Management
  • Work on the Quality of Your Local Content
  • Optimizing for Local SEO Off-Site Signals
  • Tracking And Analysis of Insights
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Based on your budget, timeline, and specifications, we can help you build a smarter online solution for your business that perfectly matches your needs. Mail us your requirement.